From 1-2-1 or small group classes. We provide a wide range of professional tutoring services to meet all learner needs. We promise to provide every lesson with passion, professionalism and to the highest level of satisfaction.
We have dedicated classes for each key stage group starting from year 1 to year 6. We encourage all parents to give children the head start they need to flourish and thrive. Having that extra tuition bridges the learning gap children have in school. It strengthens their learning and gives them the confidence to understand and learn in a positive environment.
To enhance our teaching and learning, we have a limit of no more than 14 children per classroom. Allowing the tutor to build positive relationships, individually assess progress, develop strengths and weakness for each child.
We also have dedicated classes to support learners with preparing for their grammar school examinations. This is taken towards the start of year 6. We offer advice & guidance to parents on suitability of test, what support you can provide and ensuring registration is completed accurately.
Whether your child is in year 7 or towards starting their GCSE journey. Secondary school can be very challenging and daunting for students. We have experienced teachers with subject specialisms to offer approachable teaching to support students at this crucial stage. Again these classes are subject based and capped to no more than 14 students per class. 1-2-1 tutoring is also available.
Whether you’ve chosen A-levels, T-levels or BTEC, studying at level 3 can be very overwhelming. We offer tutoring to support you with preparing for exams, internal and external assessments and meeting assignment deadlines.
Our tutors work with you to help relieve the stress and pressure of studying at level 3. Our dedicated tutors aim to provide enjoyable and engaging one-to-one or small group tuition sessions that enables learners to tackle this difficult period of learning with confidence.
Level 3 subjects, include:
Business Studies
English language and English literature
French, German, Italian, Spanish and other languages
We also offer 1-2-1 coaching and mentoring to all university students. This is to support with your academic writing skills, structuring assignments, literature searching and giving you all the advice and guidance on referencing including citations. Improve on your interpersonal and communication skills along with developing your dialogue, vocabulary and all other general English speaking and listening skills.
All sessions are restricted to 14 students per class. Each class duration is 1 hour 45 mins. Cost for each session is £25
Key Stages 1 - 2 and 11 Plus
5.00 - 6.45 pm
Key Stages 3 - 5
5.00 - 6.45 pm
University Level
5.00 - 6.45 pm
All stages and levels. Classes start from 9.15 am.
We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect tutoring support.
Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. We have classes running throughout the year and keen to work with you in reaching your educational goals.
Complete our online registration and we will contact you with further details.
We offer a unique experience to supporting all learners to reach their full potential in life. Having the right advice & guidance can have a huge positive impact and influence on any individual to find their path and be successful in life. We ensure all our clients are well supported and have clear aims and objectives to stay motivated throughout. we take great pride in supporting our clients in ensuring their journey through life is headed in the right direction. We use customised resources and tailor our support to meet all different needs. From developing confidence to enhancing career aspirations, we aim to bring out the best in everyone we work with!